Gentle Mind

May 3, 20234 min

Meditation Mantras for Anxiety – Addressing Your Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety are universal. They affect people across all ages and from all walks of life. There are various triggers for it and it can vary from one person to another. According to the American Psychological Association, anxiety is an emotion that is characterized by increased feelings of tension and accompanied by worried thoughts. Anxiety can have physical manifestations, too, such as increased blood pressure. Everyone goes through anxiety at some point of their lives although it is more crippling in others.

If you are seeking treatment for anxiety, there are many advanced treatments and therapies available for that. But the use of relaxation techniques remain as one of the most effective treatment approaches. It is more than just a quick fix but also enables those battling anxiety to learn to control their thoughts and feelings in response to stimuli.

Why Use Meditation Mantras for Anxiety?

The use of mantras has a long history that dates back to ancient times. It is based on the inexplicable connection that humans have with sounds and chanting. In fact, chants are a part of the rituals of the ancient humans, which explains why it is deeply embedded in human nature.

Hearing a certain mantra or sound creates a certain type of impact on the human mind and body. When you hear certain sounds or chants, you become instantly calm. It also helps you to disconnect from certain situations or thoughts that are causing anxiety or fear.

While the use of mantras for its calming effect originates (and is still heavily practiced today) in parts of Tibet and Asia, it is slowly being utilized in the Western part of the world, too. Practicing mantras is part of meditation and the practice of deep devotion.

Aside from its cultural value, there is also a 2016 study that supports the benefits of using mantras to relieve anxiety. According to this study, even 10 minutes of chanting or repeating your mantra can reduce stress and anxiety, foster a positive mood, and boost attention. Humming, on the other hand, can boost nitric oxide in the body that helps to regulate functions in the nervous and cardiovascular systems (based on this 2017 study).

Indeed, there is a growing body of evidence that supports the benefits of meditation mantras for anxiety. Although they are likened to affirmations, they are different. The goal is the same, though – it is all about filling your mind with positive affirmations meant to soothe and calm your anxious feelings.

Best Meditation Mantras for Anxiety

If you want to calm yourself and experience relief from feelings of anxiety, these are the best meditation mantras you can try.

I am…

This mantra is one of the most used for meditation to overcome anxiety. You can continue this phrase with any other words of your choosing. For example, you can chant “I am enough”, “I am great”, “I am loved” and so on.

This type of mantra is effective because it empowers you and reassures that you can do anything you desire to be. At the same time, it lets you see the bigger picture. It makes you realize that you are just part of something bigger; your fears and worries are not as big as you make them to be.

When chanting this mantra, link it with your breathing. This will help you to soothe your nerves and stay calm.

“This will pass.”

When you are feeling anxious and depressed, it is normal to feel as though these emotions will be forever a part of you. By using this mantra, you will be reminded that any feeling that you have right now, no matter how bad it seems, is only fleeting.

Even anxiety attacks don’t last – as scary as they might seem to you at the moment. You can remind yourself that the feelings will soon subside and that you will feel much better.

“May all beings be happy and free!”

Here is another effective mantra for anxiety to alleviate any symptoms you are feeling. By repeating this mantra, you will replace feelings of anxiety and fear with peace and love. It is all about replacing negative thoughts with positive one. This process should be intentional and is something that you have to work on yourself.

“One day at a time…”

Being overwhelmed – no matter the cause or situation – can trigger anxiety and depression. This typically happens as a result of having so many things to check off your to-do list. When you dwell on the things that you need to get done, it can add more pressure on you until your anxious feelings boil over.

When you are faced with this situation, don’t focus too much on your to-do list. Instead, chant “one day at a time” to remind yourself that you do not need to get all of these things done at once. Aim to be productive but not to the point of slaving yourself.

“I am not my thoughts…”

This meditation mantra is highly effective for those who are suffering from symptoms of depression along with anxiety. When you are anxious and depressed, it is easy to fall into a downward spiral and engage in negative self-talk. When you are immersed in these thoughts, it is difficult to look at the big picture since you are so consumed in your thoughts.

However, you need to realize that you control your thoughts, not the other way around. Regain your power by saying this mantra out loud. You get to pick your thoughts and you do not have to embrace it if it is not doing you any good.

“All is well…”

Remind yourself that you are going to be okay. Everyone struggles with something in their life. This mantra is a reminder that as long as you push on and never give up, you will overcome your situation and see better days.

Do They Really Work?

The use of meditation mantras for anxiety can help to provide relief for symptoms of anxiety, as well as depression. By using this approach regularly, you can also boost your mental well-being. You can use mantas along with daily affirmations to promote positive thinking and overcome any fear and anxious feelings that could arise out of certain situations.
