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Support When You Need It



We are proud to introduce our free online platform that offers a wide range of resources, support, and information to those in need. Our platform's self-guided resources include videos, meditations, peer-to-peer counseling from volunteers, and information on how to find professional mental health providers.

Our goal is to provide a free service to help intervene during mental health crises until someone is able to see a provider. We understand that many people, especially those in financially strained communities, uninsured users, immigrant families, or anyone seeking mental health support at the moment, do not have access to professional mental health services. Our platform aims to fill that gap by providing a safe and supportive space for individuals to access free mental health resources and connect with trained volunteers for peer-to-peer counseling.


Our platform is designed to be user-friendly, accessible, and customizable to each user's needs. Our self-guided resources, coping skills, videos, and meditations cover a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and more. Our peer-to-peer counseling service connects users with trained volunteers who have experience in mental health and can provide a listening ear and emotional support.


Our platform also offers information to help users find professional mental health providers in their area. We believe that access to mental health care is a basic human right, and our platform aims to bridge the gap between those who need help and the professionals who can provide it.


We are confident that our platform will have a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of individuals and communities in need. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that our platform is constantly improving, and we are committed to making mental health care accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial or social status.


Elsa Scarlett - Founder- Gentle Mind 



We aim to provide community members with a safe space and supportive environment.

  • Free self-guided resources, coping skills, videos, and meditations to assist during a mental health crisis

  • Peer-to-peer counseling from trained volunteers

  • Information to help users find professional mental health providers in their area

  • User-friendly and customizable platform to meet the needs of each user

  • Support for individuals and communities experiencing financial hardship, non-insured users, immigrant families, or anyone seeking mental health support at the moment

  • A safe and supportive space for individuals to access free mental health resources and connect with trained volunteers for peer-to-peer counseling

  • Filling the gap for those who do not have access to professional mental health services

  • Providing a free service to help intervene during mental health crises until someone is able to see a provider

  • Bridging the gap between those who need help and the professionals who can provide it

  • Committed to making mental health care accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial or social status.

Gentle Mind 

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Cambridge MA 

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